Adult EFNEP – EFNEP educators in Colorado use the Eating Smart • Being Active curriculum with adults and pregnant/parenting teens. Please visit the Eating Smart • Being Active website to learn more about this award winning curriculum.
3rd grade EFNEP – Third graders will experience the Show Me Nutrition curriculum, developed by the University of Missouri. Lessons may be taught at traditional classrooms, before and after school programs or Boys and Girls Clubs.Youth participate in a related physical activity, a food-tasting activity, and a chance to practice healthy habits like hand washing. Lessons also include family newsletters that can be copied and sent home to help families make healthy choices.
Teen EFNEP – Eating Smart • Being Active for Teens is a comprehensive nutrition curriculum that teaches at-risk teenagers how to have a healthy lifestyle. Developed at Colorado State University, this nutrition program teaches many concepts and skills in three important content areas in the Colorado Department of Education’s academic standards for high school: social studies, physical education, and comprehensive health. Eating Smart • Being Active for Teens includes eight lessons:
- Get Moving!
- Plan, Shop, $ave
- Fruits & Veggies: Half Your Plate
- Make Half Your Grains Whole
- Build Strong Bones
- Go Lean With Protein
- Make a Change
- Celebrate! Eat Smart & Be Active